Creating your first job

When setting up your Pin account, you’ll be guided to create your first job by providing the following details:
Hiring for: Specify the company you're hiring for. If it's for your company, it's already pre-selected. Open the dropdown for the option to create the company your hiring for. This is not shared to anyone else but you and your team.
Project: Optional. You can choose to organize your jobs one step further, whether it's your department or by recruiter. This is a great way to group up and find your jobs in the future.
Position title: You can use your Job Posting's title but be sure that it's descriptive enough to know what you're searching for. ❌ Consulant ✅ Senior Recruiter
Description: You can throw your entire job posting in here if you'd like. Be sure to include any requirements like location in here. Be as specific as you can. Do not include any requirements that can be interpreted one way or another. For example, Pin will assume that everyone has strong communication skills. Remember, Pin is only as good as you instruct it to be, so give it as many instructions as you can!