Job Settings

Email Preferences


Your email preferences determine when Pin sends emails on your behalf and the daily email limit. You can adjust these settings in Job Settings > Email Preferences.

Here’s what you can customize for your email schedule:

  • Daily email limit: Set the maximum number of emails Pin can send per day.
  • Track email opens: Enable tracking to see when candidates open your emails.
  • Track email link clicks: Monitor when candidates click on links in your emails. Enabling this feature may increase the likelihood of emails being marked as spam.
  • Email lookups: Choose whether Pin searches for a candidate’s personal or work email.
  • When to send emails: Set specific days and times for email delivery.
  • Pause emails on holidays: Decide whether to pause sending emails on U.S. holidays.
  • Pause emails on custom dates: Add specific dates to pause email sending.
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To see the full list of U.S. holidays that Pin recognizes, click "View all holidays" within the Pause emails on holidays feature.

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