Candidate Searches
How to run candidate searches
When running candidate searches, you can either paste your job description for Pin to organize automatically or manually input your specific requirements.
For the best results:
- Include as much detail as possible to ensure the candidates align with your needs.
- Avoid using only keywords. Pin uses natural language to find matches, and relying solely on keywords may limit results.
Note: If you’re not finding the right candidates, try adjusting your search criteria. Removing filters like “currently employed” or “education level” can broaden and refine your search.

You can search by the following filters and choose whether the criteria is a Must have or Preferred requirement:
Candidate location - Candidate searches are currently supported only for candidates based in the US and Canada.
Years in current profession
Candidate details:
- Gender (Female, Male)
- Timezones (Eastern Time, Central Time, Pacific Time, etc.)
- Needs visa sponsorship (Yes, No)
- Known languages
- Currently employed (Yes, No)
- Ethnicity (Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx)
Candidate’s current position:
- Years at current company
- Company's current headcount
- Company's headcount at time of hire
- Company's current funding stage
- Company's funding stage at time of hire
Candidate’s overall experience:
- Current company
- Companies worked at
- Average tenure at companies
- Total years of experience
- Works at a company with a notable investor
- Worked at company with a notable investor
- Works at a YC-backed company
- Worked at a YC-backed company
- Headcount when hired at any company worked at
- Funding stage when hired at any company worked at
- Universities attended
- Attended Ivy League
- Graduation year
- Highest degree obtained
Updated 20 Dec 2024

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